Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s short story "The Gold Bug," a tale in which a gold scarab leads the way to an incredible discovery of buried pirates’ treasure, the Gold Bug Gallery is, indeed, a treasure trove of rare and unusual wonder. Gold Bug is a 21st-century cabinet of curiosities brought to life by 100+ contemporary artists and bound by threads of science and natural history. Curated with its own neo-Victorian point of view, Gold Bug invites its customers to fall into a truly unique gallery experience, presenting works by some of today’s most interesting emerging designers in a retail space with a museum atmosphere.
As the one-of-a-kind creations on display at the gallery come and go on a daily basis, the store is in constant evolution. Whether you are looking for a piece of jewelry, an article of clothing or accessory to add to your wardrobe, an embellishment for your home, or a gift for a special friend or family member, this is the place to find it. After 15 years on Union Street, check out Gold Bug at their new larger location on Holly Street!